on the first weekend of december every year, many rockwood, tn residents open the doors of their homes to visitors for the rockwood christmas tour of historic homes. i've heard about it for a couple of years, and since the moment i heard, i've been telling myself that i need to make my roane county visits coincide with it - at least once. until her sudden death last year, a distant cousin, sara grasham mee, was one of the tour's organizers. in doing a search on my ellis family today, i came across a wonderful set of pages that let me remember sara and let me tour some of rockwood's homes any time i want. they're all part of a site called rockwood 2000+ :
- an introduction to the tours which explains what they're all about is here
- on that page, too,is a photo of my cousin sara (in red, on the left)
- part of a news release for the 2005 tour was a tribute to sara link
- photos of the homes that were featured last year are here
- the photos for the 2004 tour include many indoor shots and give, i think, a better flavor of the kind of celebration the tour really is. the 2004 pages can be accessed here
♥ and maybe my two favorite albums - because i feel like i'm walking around rockwood - are here and here [this last one is a two-page pdf brochure with a walking tour of the town.♥